If you are using WinZip, PKZip, or other files compression utility to compress your files and also protecting them with the password and encryption techniques of the compression utility then be careful about the password. If you forget the right password then your will not be able to extract or open your compressed files without providing right password. In this situation you will require Zip Key utility. This is because Zip Key utility is a lost password recovery utility for ZIP archived format files. Presently it is supporting all versions on WinZip and PKZip created zip files it is also supporting zip files recovery created by lots of other utilities. Zip Key is able to decrypt all encrypted files created with WinZip. And its Fast password recovery engine is really very fast which is able to check up to 5 million passwords per second on a normal P-IV computer. Zip Key is not only support only Zip formats of files but it is able to recover password of any compressed file format supported by WinZip utility. And of course it has support for advanced 128-bit and 256-bit AES encryption. Even Zip Key has capability to recover password of Self Extracting SFX zip archive files.